October 07, 2024 (01:02)

September was kinder than August.
May October lift me into a heaven of self-security.
My sleep schedule was completely rocked this weekend, and I need to work on maintaining a more disciplined sleep schedule. I plan to go on a small adventure to the local library and cemetery to do some studying/readings. The comfort in solitude has been very potent on building my confidence. Well... confidence regarding myself and being more comfortable doing things I enjoy rather than what others may have opinions on. My confidence socially... thats a different conversation I rather avoid!
This site will get more of an update. I feel like I keep saying that but I want it to have more variety to it, as I would like it to be. I have added some additional links to the homepage, and am working on the Readings and Media pages on Codepen. I have been thinking about getting rid of the Media because on my Home page, there are directories that are media related. So I most likely will replace it when projects regarding linux and programming. Also wanted to create a way so people who are interested with any of my displays, could reach out to me. Not yet though, my site is not near to its "completion" for anyone to be interested in me. I hope I don't come off too intimadating in my past journal entree's. Since that is where I mostly update this site. I should really put more time here haha.
-Solar :3